
providing emotional wellness to help you create the life that you deserve

let's chat

welcome, to

. . .you're in the right place if. . .

You are ready to improve your quality of life by producing feelings of happiness so that you can have the strongest and healthiest relationships possible.

You are ready to discover new perspectives on stagnant problems and overcome complicated life  situations in fulfilling and desired ways.

You are ready to improve your emotional esteem and gain a sense of accomplishment in all aspects of your life.

tell me more

you're one step closer
to a replenished you!

Our personal life experiences guide us through every stage of life and sometimes
situations occur that makes us lose sight of how exceptional we really are.

are you ready?

you're one step
closer to a replenished you!


We all can use support from time to time dealing with the not so good things that have happened to us. I understand that feeling comfortable with your therapy home is an important aspect to how you approach your emotional wellness goals.

No worries, I've got you!

about me

about bstw

As Founder/CEO of Body & Soul Total Wellness, I firmly believe that we all deserve peace and and happiness. Sometimes, the not so good things that we experience can get in the way of that. We all need support in our lifelong pursuit of emotional wellness from time to time. I am proud of creating a warm and inviting group practice filled with genuine care and concern for our clients and their families; filled with diversity and sustainable relationships between clients and therapists. A true therapy home! 

We understand that feeling comfortable with your mental health professional and your therapy home is an important aspect of your treatment outcome. We take pride in providing a warm and welcoming environment to build meaningful relationships with you as our client. We appreciate you, your journey to emotional wellness and we are committed to your process every step of the way. Our therapists will help you to confront any unresolved issue or inability to cope that you may have; so that you can regain control and create the life that you deserve. So, come on in and let’s get started! 


We provide a safe space to help you alleviate emotional distress that seems never ending. 




Our individual sessions are perfect for anyone living with depression and overwhelmed with stress to find balance between home, career and raising children. Females of color or anyone culturally neglecting their own happiness living with a limited sense of self; as well as professionals who feel incomplete, defeated and unaccomplished, will particularly find comfort here.

Our family sessions are specially designed to support anyone encountering parental conflict and other long withstanding resentments before marriage. Emotional guidance for blended families where the position of step-parent has caused things to get difficult very quickly or families dealing with the stress of any combination of life altering situations; are especially supported here too.

Our innovative approach to group sessions or wellness socials as we refer to them are filled with feels, flaves and fellowship! Unable to find the words? No problem. We use creative and social energy to express our thoughts and feelings while working through common issues together. Creative Conversations, Tabled Discussions and/or Posh Painting could be just right for you. You’re invited! 

ready to take the first step?

you deserve to be happy and healthy...we can help with that!

let's chat!

I love going to therapy here! The atmosphere is great. Very laid back and comfortable. I feel at home and I can really get to my issues and feelings.
My therapist is so understanding and offers so many different styles of therapy that I'm always getting a new perspective. Totally recommended.


I give Body & Soul Total Wellness four stars. I will upgrade to five stars if I can go a whole year with out an episode".My therapist is so understanding and offers so many different styles of therapy that I'm always getting a new perspective. Totally recommended.

- David

It is a wonderful place to relax and build upon you.


You will feel an immediate transformation the moment you walk through the door. Schedule your appointment today.

- Zona

sweet words

. . .from our amazing clients. . .

have some questions???

We are welcoming new clients and excited to meet you!

let's chat!